Brain Training with Stronger Brains

We are honored that we have been selected to offer the first clinical model of Stronger Brains to our clients.


We have been training people to improve their brains for almost 10 years using programs like Cogmed Working Memory Training, Posit Science, and Cognifit. We have trained hundreds of clients and learned so much from the process, most importantly, they have benefitted in ways that are often surprising.

Stronger Brains is a comprehensive brain health assessment and training program, that targets and strengthens student’s cognitive, executive, and social-emotional skills. It was created by a team lead by Dr. Michael Merzenich, a leader in the field of neuroscience, whose pioneering work in the discovery of brain plasticity earned him the world’s most prestigious awards in bioengineering and neuroscience. Stronger Brains is used in many schools in the U.S., as well as in Australia and the UK. 

Self-regulation, attention, and the ability to quickly and accurately process and remember visual and auditory information are critical to success in the classroom.

Online learning support

The Stronger Brains program not only teaches students about these foundational skills through short and engaging daily videos, it helps them practice and improve these skills through daily mindfulness check-ins and fun game-based training. In the clinical model that we offer, Stronger Brains is done virtually, at home, on a computer with a mouse and headphones. We provide ongoing coaching through regular Zoom meetings in which we work directly with the student to set goals and monitor progress, and we provide training techniques, executive function strategies and encouragement, motivating them through positive feedback and understanding.


During this 6-8 week program, a typical day of training takes about 45 minutes and includes:



Daily questions relating to mental and physical wellbeing, to encourage self-reflection


Daily mindfulness exercises designed to build attention and self- awareness


A daily video that teaches students about the brain and its magnificent abilities, and how they can change theirs for the better


Game-like exercises that are designed to improve specific brain and cognitive functions


The benefits of brain training come from hard work and investment, yet it is fun and engaging, especially when you have a good coach.

We are here to guide you through the process, to facilitate your developing a stronger brain and to make training enjoyable all the way through. Contact us with any questions or for more information.