Understanding Diverse Learning Profiles Course

 Our transformative 6-module online course is designed to equip admission directors, educators, and educational consultants, with the knowledge and strategies necessary to support neurodiverse learners. You can take the full course or choose the modules that interest you most.

The course delves into key cognitive and learning challenges, terminology, and concepts essential for professionals and parents. Each module consists of videos, readings, and assessments, and you can choose the level and depth of your engagement.


Course Curriculum

1. Introduction Video

2. Defining Learning Challenges

    • Dyslexia

    • Executive Functioning

    • ADHD

    • Processing Speed and Working Memory

    • Pink Flags of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    • Anxiety

3. Unpacking Misconceptions

    • Misconceptions

4. Psychoeducational Evaluations

    • WISC-V

    • Test Scores

    • Test/Profile Patterns

    • Additional Tests Administered

    • Case Study

5. Understanding the Learner in Front of You

  • Questions you can ask in the admissions process and in the classroom

6. Executive Function Classroom Strategies for ALL Learners

  • Introduction

  • Planning and Curriculum

  • Metacognition

  • Inquiry-Based Learning

  • Scaffolding and Differentiation

  • Reading Strategies

  • Technology

  • Assessment

7. Case Studies

  • Introduction

8. Course Conclusion

  • Congratulations!

What you will learn…


You will more clearly understand learning challenges: dyslexia, executive functioning, ADHD, process speed, working memory, pink flags of autism spectrum disorder and anxiety.


You will learn to identify and dispel common misperceptions surrounding students with learning differences that often arise during interviews or within classroom settings.


You will gain proficiency in interpreting neuropsychological/psychoeducational evaluations, empowering you to understand each student's cognitive and learning profile thoroughly.


You will acquire invaluable questioning techniques to discern students' learning strengths, average abilities, and challenges, facilitating personalized support both inside and outside the classroom.


You will be empowered to create inclusive learning environments using executive function strategies across your curriculum resulting in academic achievement for all students. You will also have opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge through engaging case studies and assessments.


Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and make a meaningful impact on the lives of all learners. Enroll today and embark on a journey towards creating truly inclusive educational experiences.

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